Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I don't believe in ghosts...

One restless night I was having trouble sleeping. I usually have the TV timed to shut off in say about 45 minutes. I usually have it on the TMC channel where they sometimes show obscure classics I can't relate to. So, basically I was struggling to get some good shuteye, adjusting my pillows to and fro while drifting in and out of sleep, going through some several anxiety ridden dreams which I don't remember. While half asleep in a semi-fetal position, facing my bedroom window, I could hear this sobbing next to me. It was soft and incessant and seemed to come from behind my back, someone, who was sitting on my bed. For some reason, I surmised that the sobber was my mother who had passed on many years ago. She was crying for me. Feeling sorry for me, as it were. After a while of this, I told my "mom", "Mie, it's okay. I'm fine. Really! Calm down. Everything will be ok." Then the sobbing stopped. Right about this time, I was fully awake and sitting up on my bed, scanning the room in the dark. I don't believe in ghosts, I reminded myself. Then went back and finally was able to sleep.

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